About the Pardee Initiative

The problems the developing world faces now, especially those at the “bottom billion,” often feel overwhelming.

With limited resources, an exploding population, and the threat of environmental and political instability, future generations in Africa and Asia face the distinct possibility of their circumstances getting worse, not better.

Launched with a generous gift from Frederick S. Pardee in December 2013, the Global Human Progress Initiative at the Pardee RAND Graduate School is a program of creative and innovative approaches to improving the future human condition on a trans-regional and even global scale with a focus on Africa and Asia where the problems are greatest.

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The Pardee Initiative builds on the solid foundation of RAND's international development work in Africa and Asia and draws on the collective experience, knowledge and perspective of our people: Pardee RAND students and faculty, and RAND researchers. Working in conjunction with the various parts of the School, the Initiative funds seed grants, creates partnerships and links with outside experts, scholars, and organizations who are working on the toughest issues that impede the growth and development of individuals and societies around the globe. Some of the areas where we have funded seed grants are in using technology to detect counterfeit anti-malarial drugs in sub-Saharan Africa, governance for risk management in African cities, and fostering global citizenship.

One of our long-standing collaborations is with the World Bank on the pressing global problem of youth unemployment through membership in the coalition Solutions for Youth Employment (S4YE). We aim to make a difference by bringing together others who share our goals, putting a body of knowledge into practice on the ground, and using technology to share our results and build lasting links between policy researchers and practitioners throughout the world. We are also in conversations with other organizations around the world to explore collaborations on international development for faculty and students alike.

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