Photos from the April 2016 Superfoods Cookery Contest

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Millet ice cream cone by Gayaza High School Smoked salmon roulade by Chef Emmanuel Njege Peanut satay Millet vegetable wrap by Gayaza High School Mini millet burgers and millet vegetable casserole Millet crepe filled with eggplant, by Chef Tobais Okumu Millet vegetable wrap Millet jelly Millet swiss roll and millet jelly, by Chef Joseph Ajeni Tuna sorghum and millet timbale, with millet and sorghum spinach soup, by Chef Susan Katto A delicious millet dish A delicious millet dish The winning team from Gayaza High School The team from Kibuli Secondary School Chef Susan Katto Chef Tobias Okumu Chef Emmanuel Njenga Baguma Donald from Kyambogo University Chef Joseph Anjene from Golf Course Restaurant Chef Samwuel Kiprotich from Makerere University