Comparative Historical Analysis and Case Study Methods

Professor: Paul
Units: 1.0
Elective Course (fulfills a Research, Analysis, and Design Empirical Analysis distribution requirement)

Modern political geography—the interrelationships between territory, the state, power, boundaries, and the environment—provides an invaluable but often under-utilized practical toolkit through which to better understand and tackle a wide range of public, military, geostrategic, and even medical research questions and policy decisions.

In this interdisciplinary, real world scenario-driven course, students will learn fundamental political geography concepts and skills, including: spatial theory and representation; cartography and the art of spatial persuasion, influence, and manipulation; borders, boundaries, and diplomacy; strategic and military geography; cultural political geography; and the importance of minority and feminist political geographies. They will apply these concepts and skills to the contemporary issues they are currently researching. Students will be introduced to key geographic information systems (GIS) concepts, including map creation, geo-referencing, and basic spatial analysis.