Games for Policy Analysis

This course is intended as an introduction to games for policy analysis. Gaming focuses on human decisionmaking and is used for both policy research and education across a range of topics. The tool has been credited by senior leaders for innovation and insight but is also routinely criticized for lacking rigor. This course will explore what good and bad gaming for policy analysis looks like and prepare students to support policy work with games. Over the course of this class, students will understand how games can support analysis, understand the basics of the tool, and practice game design in an applied way. In the first part of the course students will explore fundamental text in the field, canonical types of games, and key historical examples. We will then transition to the applied portion of the course, in which students will design a simple game.

Two sections of this course will be offered. Abby Doll will teach the Santa Monica section, and Stephen Worman will teach the Washington section.
