Network Analysis
Professor: Sargent
Units: 1.0
Elective Course (Research Analysis and Design: Modeling Human Systems)
Network analysis has grown in prominence over the past fifteen to twenty years, moving from a largely academic pursuit to one with applications in business strategy and organizational behavior, public health and health systems, international affairs and international security, and counterterrorism and homeland security, to name a few. As such, its policy relevance has grown immensely and will likely continue to increase as new analytic methods are developed and understanding of the approach grows.
This elective course introduces social network analysis methods, theories, and applications, focusing on complete, ego-centered, and personal network approaches. We will explore how social network analysis developed from and contributes to the behavioral sciences in general, and specifically to the disciplines of sociology, anthropology, political science, public health, graph theory and statistics. The course will consist of lecture and laboratory exercises. Lectures will introduce social network concepts, theories and applications. Laboratory exercises will introduce methods in a hands-on manner. Individual work will allow students to explore the ways social network analysis can enhance their own research. Please be prepared to discuss reading assignments and concepts in lecture and to participate in lab exercises.